Andrew Simkins Hollis

Operating Partner

Mr. Hollis is an Operating Partner of Cimbria. He is based in Atlanta, Georgia.

Andrew Simkins Hollis is the Vice President of Marketing, Business Development, and Customer Services initiatives within the Slater Infrastructure Group – a water and waste-water engineering and management firm based in the Atlanta region.

Mr. Hollis currently manages wastewater operations throughout the Greater Atlanta area and was trained as a wastewater operator at the Johns Creek Environmental Campus (JCEC), a state-of-the-art 15-MGD advanced wastewater treatment facility. He works to ensure that the wastewater systems are properly operated and maintained, and he is a licensed Class 3 Georgia Wastewater & Water Operator. He is also a member of the GAWP (Georgia Association of Water Professionals), the AAMA (African American Mayors Association), and AABE (American Association of Black in Energy).

Mr. Hollis has participated in Dartmouth College’s Tuck Diversity Business Programs and the EYE (Emerging Young Entrepreneurs) Program with NMSDC (National Minority Supplier Diversity Council). In 2019, he was invited to partake in Goldman Sach’s 10,000 Small Business program. He is also the co-founder of Bondfire, a Saas model application that uses AI to showcase city history by engaging residents evolving its records and chronicles.

Mr. Hollis started his career in as a Management Development and Customer Service intern with the Loews Hotel and the Four Seasons. This experience served as the catalyst that propelled him to attend one of the world’s premiere hospitality schools, Switzerland’s Les Roches International School of Hotel Management, where he earned a B.A. in Marketing. He is currently attending University of Georgia for his MBA.